Course ID: PEK-SL>0564.3.E
Semester: 3 / Winter
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 15 hours
Field of study: Ecomomics
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: optional
Prerequisites: Knowledge including: microeconomics, macroeconomics, fundamentals of law.
Contact person: dr Krzysztof Rutkiewicz Ph.D.;
Short description: Transfer of knowledge in the field of legal and economic aspects of the integration of European Union countries.
Full description: LECTURES: 1) The concept, forms and effects of European integration. 2) European Union - establishment, character, structure and principles of operation. 3) European Union law. 4) The institutional system of the European Union. 5) The legal and institutional framework of the European Union's external relations. 6) European Union financing. 7) Freedoms of the internal market. 8) Common commercial policy and economic aspects of the free movement of goods in the EU. TUTORIALS: 1. Common agricultural policy. 2. Cohesion policy. 3. Common rules of competition policy. 4. Economic and monetary union. 5. Infrastructure sector policies (Common Transport Policy, Trans-European Networks, Energy Policy). 6. Employment policy. 7. Social policy. 8. Policy in the field of education, vocational training, youth and sport. 9. Policy in the field of culture. 10. Public health policy. 11. Policy in the field of consumer protection. 12. Industrial policy. 13. Policy in the field of research and technological development and space. 14. Environmental policy. 15. Tourism policy. 16. Policy in the field of civil protection.
Bibliography: Baldwin R., Wyplosz C., The Economics of European Integration, McGraw-Hill Education, 2012 Furse M., Competition Law of the EC and UK, Oxford University Press 2008. Mateus A., Moreira T., Competition Law and Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham 2010. Molle W., The Economics of European Integration: Theory, Practice, Policy, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2006. Steiner J., Woods L., Twigg-Flesner C., Textbook on EC Law, Oxford University Press, New York 2003.
Learning outcomes: KNOWLEDGE: Student: -defines the basic concepts of the legal and economic aspects of European integration; - explains the principles of functioning of the Single European Market. SKILLS: The student critically evaluates the European phenomena and integration processes; - assesses the impact of European integration on the functioning of economic entities; - correctly uses economic tools to analyze the causes and effects of European integration in the member states. SOCIAL COMPETENCES: - the student is prepared to work in units responsible for regional and local development; -cares for heritage, traditions and values, and is a participant in European culture.
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: Colloquium. Paper, Presentation, Participation in the discussion

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